• Correct Ts Specifiers

    This package transforms import specifiers in source-code from the broken state TypeScript's compiler (tsc) required (prior TypeScript v5.7 RC) into proper ones. This is useful when source-code is processed by standards-compliant software like Node.js. This is a one-and-done process, and the updated source-code should be committed to your version control (ex git); thereafter, source-code import statements should be authored compliant with the ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard.

  • Node/22.8.0/Enable Compile Cache In Start Server

    This release adds a new API module.enableCompileCache() that can be used to enable on-disk code caching of all modules loaded after this API is called. Previously this could only be enabled by the NODE_COMPILE_CACHE environment variable, so it could only set by end-users. This API allows tooling and library authors to enable caching of their own code. This is a built-in alternative to the v8-compile-cache/v8-compile-cache-lib packages, but have better performance and supports ESM.

  • Npm Esm First In Exports

    Sort package.json export order to prefer ESM over CJS

  • Mocha/Vitest/Migrate Config

    Run this codemod to upgrade configuration files that need to be changed after migrating from mocha to vitest.

  • Playcanvas Esm Scripts

    Updates legacy PlayCanvas scripts to the newer ESM Scripts format
